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Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

In community now many to go product strange. example "CHOCOLATOS" is kind product that form roll in can chocolatos pasta which thick. why produsen to use name chocolatos not choco yammy. as expected word this more Indonesia. than should chocolatos known as combination from word english and latin maybe meaning "choco yammy".

maybe produsen to use word chocolatos not choco yammy. because, chocolatos to be word strange. that which community not yet to know product what that name chocolatos thing. with taste curious that then community about please to buy and taste. to follow me this included strategi company. although which product strange to revolve in community how good we fixed to love and to use product alone, actually product indide country not lose a good with product strange who to differentiate maybe from side present name product, area sales and sistem management marketing. because we product not lose good. I LOVE product INDONESIA.

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